About Us
Bishop’s Nympton PTA (Parent Teacher Association) aims to support the school and to make it a better place for children to enjoy learning and fulfill their potential. The PTA brings together parents, teachers and children to raise funds and strengthen the school community. Money raised is usually spent on things that the school budget does not cover.
The PTA is open for all parents and teachers - and all levels of involvement are welcome and encouraged- from donating cakes or raffle prizes, buying raffle tickets, supporting or helping at events, to joining the small committee team.
Contact the PTA - please email bishnympta@exmoorlink.org for information, to offer help or get involved in any way!
The Bishops Nympton School PTA is registered with the charities commission - charity number 1073921

Our Story
Since 2019 the PTA have raised nearly 🎉 £12000.00🎉 this has funded items including -
* Panto trips for children at Xmas
* Books
* Laptops
* Interactive whiteboards for classrooms
* Bus for school trip to zoo
Money has been raised by raffles, sales of refreshments and ice creams at school, and various fun fundraising events which are also very well supported by the local community.