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Children in Need 2022
School Council organised a 'spotacular' event this year for our school. School Council organised for the children to raise money for this...

Class 3 - Shadow Dancers
Our Science unit in Class 3 is called Shadow Dancers and this week we linked our Art lesson to this unit of work. Inspired by Tim Noble...

Class 4 - Tolkien Maps
Last half term we were learning about the artwork of author: JRR Tolkien, in particular his style of maps. We used rice to create a...

Remembrance Day
On Friday 11th November, we remembered those who fought in the wars. Each class learnt about the wars, joined the Exmoorlink federation...

Class 1 minibeast workshop
On Wednesday 2nd November, Devon Waste Education visited Bishops Nympton Primary School. The class 1 children took part in a minibeast...

School Council fundraiser - playtimes
School council would like to improve playtimes by buying new playtime equipment; and by developing a playtime leaders programme. To do...

Class 2 Thank you to the PTA
We would like to give the PTA a huge thank you for our new interactive whiteboard! It has already made a big difference to our learning...

Bonfire Night Poetry - Class 3
Just some of the amazing artwork and poetry created by Class 3 in celebration of Bonfire Night. What a fantastic use of colours and words...

How did Class 2 celebrate Diwali?
We made Diwali pictures and made Rangoli patterns with coloured sand. We got to make our own Diva Lamps and we cut out our Mendi hands....

Class 1 visit to Rosemoor
Class 1 had a fantastic visit to Rosemoor to find the signs of autumn and explore the changing seasons. The children had an amazing time...

Read and Relax Morning
It was lovely to see so many people enjoying and supporting our 'Read and Relax' morning held on Thursday 3rd November. The children...

Bonfire School Lunch
Thank you to the Kitchen Team for producing a wonderful Bonfire Meal for all the children to enjoy. There were a lot of happy faces sat...
Monday 17th October saw our first two matches of the North Devon Football League 2022-2023. YEARS 3/4 On Monday we played a match against...

We've been learning about volcanoes and other natural disasters in class. We made our volcanoes by sticking water bottles on to a piece...

Class 4 had the pleasure of inviting parents and other classes to our Space Expo. In class this half term the class have spent time...
School Council 2022-2023 1st project
School council led their first assembly on Thursday 29th September. The children spoke to the school about how to be safe around the...

Class 1 Bishops Nympton village exploration walk
As part of our learning 'all about me', we are learning about our village and locations in the village. We made a map using photos of...

Jeans for Genes Day
Thank you to all children and staff at Bishops Nympton Primary School. We raised just over £38.65 for Jeans for Genes Day on Friday 23rd...

Art in Class 3
On Tuesday 15th June, Class 3 spent the day working with local artist Annabel Greenfield. Annabel is a published children’s book author...
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