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Our Early Years Curriculum
In Bishops Nympton School Early Years, our experienced teachers and highly trained practitioners provide a captivating curriculum using the indoor and outdoor environment, resources, continuous provision activities and adults working alongside children to allow children to progress in their social, emotional, intellectual and physical development.
Throughout their time in Class 1, children have a wide range of first-hand experiences where they can explore, create and become increasingly independent in doing things for themselves. Our learning environment provides rich opportunities for developing language and communication skills, for investigation and for creativity. We provide resources and open-ended activities so that children are able to make choices and initiate their own play and learning, with adults supporting them in following their ideas. We enjoy using the outdoor spaces around the school to learn outside and immerse ourselves in the natural world. We also integrate our local community into our learning, inviting visitors into our classroom, enjoying trips around the village and to the local church, as well as exploring the wider area.
Characteristics of Effective Learning
The Characteristics of Effective Learning describe behaviours children use in order to learn. Our aim is to encourage children to approach activities with curiosity and enthusiasm. Effective learning will be meaningful to our children, so that they are able to use what they have learned, apply it in new situations and create a lifelong love of learning.
Prime areas
• communication and language
- listening, attention and understanding
- speaking
• physical development
- gross motor skills
- fine motor skills
• personal, social and emotional development
- self regulation
- managing self
- building relationships
You can find useful information for parents in the document: Talking with your Children
Specific areas:
• Literacy
- comprehension
- word reading
- writing
• Mathematics
- number
- numerical patterns
• Understanding the world (science, history, geography, RE)
- past and present
- people, culture and communities
- the natural world
• Expressive arts and design (art, DT, music)
- creating with materials
- being imaginative and expressive
How it links together...
We use a 2 year rolling programme as a basis to include a range of exciting topics and make sure all learning areas are covered. As we begin each topic, we find out what the children already know and what they would like to find out more about. However, if a group of children have a particular interest, this can change as we allow the children to lead our learning elsewhere. In the past few years, this has led to weeks learning about farming and dinosaurs amongst others. Learning in this way means our learners are always enthusiastic, engaged and interested in their learning.
Click here to find out more...
Bishops Nympton EY Programme of Learning

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