Our Governors
What governors do
Governors have three core functions:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of schools, their pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
Overseeing the financial performance of the schools and making sure money is well spent.
Governors are not involved in the day to day management of a school. They are “eyes on, hands off”.
They provide strategic oversight of the processes, policies and practices of the schools to ensure that that they are statutorily compliant and to monitor and evaluate their impact.
To achieve this governors will:
support and challenge leaders
have knowledge of the pupil experience
have a comprehensive understanding of how the schools work
have the benefit of the pupils at the heart of all their decisions
strive to engage with parents
ensure governors are well trained
Governing Board structure
The Full Governing Board (FGB) meets nine times a year. It has a Pay Committee which reports to the FGB.
To support the work of the governing board there are the following lead governor roles:
Finance, Premises and H & S
Inclusion and SEND
Pupil Premium
Governor details
Cath Jennings - Chair & Co-opted Governor
Sally Wilson - Vice-chair & LA Governor
Tim Gurney - Headteacher & Ex-officio Governor
Mark Woollacott - Parent Governor
Sarah Bale - Staff Governor
Brian Border - Co-opted Governor
Tim Williams - Co-opted Governor
Melissa Gunton - Co-opted Governor
Jill Larcombe - Clerk to Governors
To contact the Governing Board please email chair@exmoorlink.org or clerk@exmoorlink.org
The Chair and Clerk are not based in school but can be contacted through the school offices.
Governor Attendance & Interests
Governor Code of Conduct 2024
Governor Code of Conduct 2023