
Science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It also satisfies their curiosity with knowledge. Because science links direct practical experience with ideas, it can engage learners at many levels. Scientific method is about developing and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modelling. This is a spark to critical and creative thought. Through science, pupils understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change – impacting on industry, business and medicine and improving the quality of life. Pupils recognise the cultural significance of science and trace its world-wide development. They learn to question and discuss science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.
Science Intent, Implementation, Impact
Teaching and learning style
The school uses a variety of teaching and learning styles in science lessons. Our principal aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding. We do this through a mixture of whole-class teaching and individual / group activities. Teachers encourage the children to ask as well as answer scientific questions. The children have the opportunity to use a variety of secondary sources of information, where it will enhance learning as well as gaining first hand experiences, for example, the use of books, photographs, graphs, diagrams, models and IT.
Teachers may employ the following methods when delivering science sessions:
• Setting common tasks that are open-ended and can have a variety of responses
• Setting tasks of increasing difficulty (we do not expect all children to complete all tasks)
• Providing a range of challenges with different resources
• Using additional adults to support the work of individual children or small groups
• Incorporating high order questions that apply to scientific thinking to extend the most able children in science
Science in the Early Years
We teach science in the Early Years as an integral part of the theme work covered during the year covered under Understanding the World in the EYFS curriculum. Children are supported in developing the knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world. Their learning is supported through offering opportunities for them to use a range of tools safely; explore the seasons and the natural environment; and work with a range of materials as well as exploring a range of topics in more detail. We are also led my the children to explore different lines of questioning.