Special Educational Needs
​​We are a highly inclusive school and work hard to enable excellent quality special needs provision for our learners so that all children can reach their full potential. Our committed and motivated team operate a caring approach and all children and their efforts are valued, irrespective of need.
In our 2024 SEN parent questionnaire, 100% of the parents strongly agreed that our school
gives opportunities to discuss their child's needs with the right members of staff,
and also agreed that they felt informed about their child's Individual Support Plan and
support both in school and how to continue this support at home.
Some children have special educational needs or disabilities that require additional, targeted or individualised support.
There are 4 broad areas of special need:
• Cognition and Learning
• Social, Emotional and Mental Health
• Communication and Interaction
• Sensory and/or Physical
Click here to access details of our SEN provision in our
SEN Information Report and our SEN data for 2023-24​
In our SEND parent questionnaire, July 2024, 100% of parents
felt the SENCo was approachable and visible. ​If you'd like to have
an informal chat with the SENCo or just meet other parents of
children with SEND, please come along to our parent drop in
which happen half termly!
If you have any concerns about your child’s special educational needs, please do raise these with your child’s class teacher, or contact our SENCo, Sarah Bale at senco@exmoorlink.org or 01769 550387.
​For more information about how we provide for the needs of children with SEN at Bishops Nympton School, please read our SEN Policy
The Local Offer
Each local authority is required to publish their ‘local offer’. This is information on what you can expect to be available for children and young people who have special educational needs across education, health and social care services.
Click here to access details of Devon's local offer
SEN support

"I love the sen drop ins, it gives me the opportunity to speak with Sarah about my child individually but also the opportunity to speak to other parents who are experiencing similar."
"Provision has been life changing for our child."
"I like the drop in and open door approach that Mrs Bale has implemented. "