School Uniform
Our children helped to choose our bright and smart school uniform. Our school uniform is available from Portlantis Ltd (Ash Mill, South Molton) https://www.portlantis.com/
Accessories and second hand uniform items are available through our school shop.
Day Uniform
Royal blue sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo.
White shirts (polo or formal), (polo shorts are recommended for Class 1).
Black or grey trousers or skirts (blue summer dresses are optional).
Black or grey socks.
Sensible black school shoes (boots or sandals may also be appropriate dependant on conditions).
School Tie (Full tie / clip on available).
PE Kit​
Yellow Polo shirt with the school logo.
Blue Sports shorts.
Blue sports socks.
Daps / Plimsolls.
Football boots (not necessarily new!) are useful especially if attending Football or Rugby clubs.
Junior pupils require suitable outer wear for colder weather. This could include:
jogging trousers,
running tights,
thermal layers'
hats and gloves.
Swimming Kit​
Suitable swimming costume / shorts.
Swimming hat (if needed).
Goggles may be used with parental consent.
Please note:
Make-up and jewellery should NOT be worn in school in the interests of health and safety. Children with pierced ears may wear simple studs or sleepers.
Watches may be worn, but must be removed for P.E.
All equipment and clothing should be clearly marked with the owner's name.
Federation and special event kits are supplied by the school.